Saturday, October 27, 2007

Allergy - Allergy Relief with No Side Effects!

April showers bring May flowers and May flowers bring ALLERGIES! As the dormancies of nature spring back to life, pollen and other allergens increase dramatically.

Allergies are actually more widespread today than ever. They cause a broader spectrum of symptoms, both physically and mentally, than commonly believed. Allergic diseases affect more than 20 percent of the U.S. population, and are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the United States.

35 million Americans currently suffer from recurring allergies and this number is growing at an accelerated rate daily. Most people believe allergies are a permanent condition requiring regular over-the-counter or Rx treatment to suppress their symptoms. This is not true! Using homeopathy, allergies can be safely and effectively treated and actually cured in many cases.

The Healing Powers Resident Within

The truth is that allergies can be permanently overcome. As we know in chiropractic, the body is incredibly made and has all the mechanisms built within that allow us to attain and maintain great health. Our innate healing abilities are so powerful that we naturally overcome the majority of problems we encounter in life.

This is what I Share With My Patients

"Think about this for a minute - what if headaches didn't come and go, they just came and stayed? Or, imagine if you still had every cut, scrape and injury you had ever gotten - you would be a mess. Obviously, you naturally recover from many conditions because your body has internal healing capabilities".

Symptoms are often mistaken as the cause of the problem, when really they are caused by the problem. Treating a symptom instead of a root cause is like turning off a fire alarm instead of putting out the fire. Take headaches for example. Say you choose to use aspirin or ibuprofen to control the symptoms. Time and time again, you must take these pills (why do you think you get so many aspirin in a bottle?). In most cases, the underlying cause of the headache is not changing and therefore the headaches keep coming back! Wouldn't you rather target the underlying cause and stop the headaches from returning at all?

Do you think that taking various over-the-counter drug products for symptoms is the best way to deal with allergies? Why use temporary solutions over and over again? Your immune system needs to be normalized and strengthened so you do not have to live with allergy symptoms.

Do you know about the possible side effects of antihistamines and decongestants, the primary ingredients in many over-the-counter allergy medications? Many allergy products can cause nervousness, insomnia, dry mouth, negative reactions to other substances, stomach upset and over-sensitivity to sunlight. Additionally, many of these products will cause a rebound effect, a worsening of symptoms when the drug is discontinued. Homeopathy helps your body naturally overcome allergy symptoms with no side effects, while you stay fresh and alert.

The Purity of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is the purest form of natural medicine I have found. With over 200 years of clinical use, there are no negative side effects, no known reactions with other drugs, no contraindications for use and no addictive or habit forming properties. These outstanding results are unprecedented in the history of medicine.


Homeopathic medicines have become the first of all the natural remedies to be registered by the FDA as a drug product. Homeopathy offers a safe, natural solution backed by science, clinical experience, FDA registration and, most importantly, the tests of time.

Fast, Safe, Natural Relief

Homeopathy is designed to work very quickly. Most people will notice initial results as early as 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Others may see results in a few minutes to a few days. Others experience a sense of lightness, accompanied by an emotional release. The corresponding sense of well being or an increase in overall energy, alertness and awareness indicates the healing response is taking place within you. Another positive sign of the healing response being activated is that you will require less and less of this natural medicine as time goes on, not more and more.

Homeopathic natural medicines are powerful. Homeopathy can be safely and effectively combined with nutritional and herbal products, as well as conventional drugs and procedures. The end results of using an all-natural approach are well worth it! Natural relief is a far healthier and often permanent solution.

Homeopathy is a very individualized healing art. A single remedy for one person with allergies may not be the same as that needed for another. Treating 10 people with allergy symptoms may require just as many different homeopathic remedies.

A simpler approach would be to find a homeopathic formula with a number of these allergy relief ingredients in it. Formulas with multiple potencies of homeopathic ingredients will also broaden the therapeutic spectrum and enhance your chances of fast results and an actual cure.

New Homeopathic Approaches
Strengthen From The Inside,
Acclimate For The Outside

Homeopathy offers formulas designed to strengthen you from the inside by activating your body's natural response system to stimulate its ability to heal itself. This approach offers relief of allergy symptoms, while formulas which work specifically on the immune system may even prevent future allergic reactions. A second approach in homeopathy acclimates you for the outside by providing homeopathic preparations of the specific weeds, grasses, trees, molds and pollens found in your geographic region. Over time, your body becomes less sensitive to the exposure of these allergens, reducing the severity and frequency allergic reactions. Using both of these approaches together provide the most complete approach to allergy correction.

This contemporary homeopathic approach is the only treatment method besides immunotherapy or allergy tests and shots that offer a chance for lasting relief or potential cure from allergies. Obviously, homeopathy offers the simplest, safest, and less costly and time-invested approach. Homeopathic allergy relief is applicable to anyone with allergies and should be the practical first choice for allergy care and correction.

After 27 years of clinical practice and research in homeopathy, I have become a definite believer in contemporary formulated multi-potency homeopathic products for the best approach to allergy care and correction!

Dr. Frank King is the founder and president of King Bio in Asheville, North Carolina. King Bio is an FDA registered pharmaceutical manufacturing company dedicated to research, development, and education of safe, natural, homeopathic medicines.

Dr. King is a nationally recognized researcher, lecturer, and author in homeopathy. His passion to develop an innovative, highly efficient, and safe natural medicine protocol launched him immediately into research following the establishment of his chiropractic practice. And for over two decades, he and his colleagues have researched to discover the most successful natural medicines and their procedures. Dr. King has developed over 200 natural homeopathic medicines along with new procedures to empower both the physician and consumer in their quest for optimal health.

Check Dr. King's website at for the lastest and most powerful alternative healing tools available. Also you can read his blog at to see about other's experiences with alternative medicine.

Article Source:

Allergy - The Dreaded Peanut Allergy

One of the best dietary proteins consumed in the United States is peanut butter. Even with its high level of popularity, eating peanuts at the local sports arena or rodeo, sitting around with the family snacking in front of a fire, or sending a child off to school with the ultimate - peanut butter and jelly sandwich, peanuts are one of America's highest allergenic foods.

One of the main problems for people with a peanut allergy is that more and more foods are being made with peanuts or peanut oil. Making matters worse is that for people who know they have a peanut allergy, the ingredient is often masked on the label as "groundnuts" or "hydrolysed vegetable protein." Although you cannot deny the wonderful flavor of peanuts, for people with a peanut allergy, even trace amounts can be deadly.

Just imagine having a peanut allergy and going out to dinner. You check the menu carefully, choosing food without peanuts. Unbeknownst to you, dinner arrives at the table and within minutes of eating the so-called "innocent" meal, you begin to have symptoms associated with a peanut allergy. The problem is that while the menu item did not contain peanuts, it was cooked in peanut oil. This scenario happens all the time and can be deadly.

Unlike other nut allergies, a peanut allergy, if serious, can prove to be fatal within minutes. Most often, the throat will begin to swell whereby the person cannot breathe. While this is the most critical symptom of a peanut allergy, other symptoms might include at varying levels:


Itchy or swollen lips, tongue, mouth, or eyes

Flushed face

Tightness in the throat, mouth, and/or chest

Running noise

Change in voice

Nausea and/or vomiting

Trouble breathing or swallowing

Wheezing, choking, and/or coughing

Onset of severe fatigue and/or dizziness

If the peanut allergy is new, then emergency care is needed immediately following any of the above symptoms. If the individual is aware of having a peanut allergy, a shot of epinephrine can be carried around discretely and administered at the first sign.

If you are sensitive to foods or notice changes after eating peanuts, then chances are you have some degree of a peanut allergy. In this case, it is crucial that you be tested by an allergist to determine if this is in fact a problem. If so, then the good news is that foods made with peanuts can usually be substituted with other nuts such as pecans or walnuts with little to no problem. Be sure to read labels carefully, when dining out, always ask if the food contains or is made with any type of peanut or peanut oil, and never share utensils with someone eating foods that might contain peanuts or peanut oil.

While immunotherapy has helped some people with a peanut allergy, remember that this type of allergy does not have a cure other than to avoid peanuts or peanut oil. Having a peanut allergy does not have to be something to fear as long as you are informed about the things being consumed.

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